Thursday, April 11, 2013

ocean animal storytelling

To complement a science study of ocean animals that the students in division 7 have been working on in their classroom, we began some storytelling experiences before spring break. I read the students the aboriginal story The Salmon Twins by Caroll Simpson which incorporated factual information about many ocean animals as well as information about supernatural beings. Story themes included a journey, personal transformation, respect for elders, sharing resources and being responsive to the natural environment.

After reading and discussing this story, the students worked by themselves, in partners or triads to create their own stories. They were provided with natural materials such as rocks, shells and pieces of wood as well as some paper and cork to create ocean settings. Once a setting was designed, the students chose from a variety of ocean animal characters and developed a storyline.

The students used the iPads to take still photographs, setting up a "photo shoot" for each part of their stories. The criteria provided was to take 3-5 photographs, use scientific facts about ocean animals and to include an aspect of aboriginal culture or worldviews that we have discussed.

Three apps were suggested for use for this project: Haiku Deck, Sonic Pics or PixnTell. Both Sonic Pics and PixnTell allow for students to record their voices so that this could be an oral storytelling experience. The students chose which app they wanted to use and submitted their files by email.
One student's Haiku Deck story can be viewed HERE. (click to link)

Some of the students' PixnTell projects can be viewed below:
~Ms Novakowski

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